Jane Foster

Sewing and Design Classes
Sewing Students Model their Garments

Lisa's coat is a raging success. She bought the pattern in Hawaii for $1 and the fabric is a poly wool blend from Stone Mountain and Daughter Fabrics. She has finished the inside edges of this unlined coat with 2 colored Wave stitch on her serger. Her top stitching is really good and this is her POWER color don’t you think?

Katie looks so good in the dress that her mum Barbara M. has just made for her. It's a geometric silk print and it is made very well. Barbara used Butterick B5815.

Kathleen finished her Decades of Style No. 107 Caftan. She used a soft rayon knit and attractive cotton print.

Pat made an interesting top.

A lovely textured cotton has made Barbara this simple A-line summer dress. The back view has a ruffle feature. The pattern used was Vogue V9237.

Barbara used Marcy Tilton's Vogue 9153 for her top.

Barbara has been really sewing up a storm this summer, She made many great tops.

Joy found this printed fabric in Jane's freebie box and fell in love with it. So she bought a green woven fabric with stretch to complete this Burda dress.

Katherine finished her knit dress using a reverse applique technique.

Katherine's couture jacket is stunning. Her beautiful silk jacket has a zippered front opening. The multicolored pink fabric came from Piedmont fabrics.

The silk charmeuse lining is quilted to the jacket in the French couture style. She will get good use from this jacket.

Thea looks good in her new top. She used a printed knit and a StyleArc pattern. She added a twisted band to finish the neckline.

Maria looks cool in this linen dress. First she made a perfectly fitting muslin in a princess style. Then she sucessfully drafted the collar following directions in an article in Threads magazine..

Grommets are in! Kathy just finished this fun top out of red linen from www.fabrics-store.com She used gold grommets in the sleeves and strips of leather for tying together.

Barbara used Sandra Betzina’s Vogue Vogue V1297 dress pattern to make these two cool Spring colored dresses. This red dress is made from woven fabric.

Barbara's green dress is a knit.

Patty has frequently used this pattern, and now made these two blouses. The attractive cotton prints make them both winners.

Janice used McCalls 7786 loose fitting pants pattern for her fun rayon slacks.

Vicki made this comfortable knit dress using StyleArc's Lacey Dress pattern. The fabric is double sided strip and polka dot. During fitting, Jane took in some soft tucks in the skirt to make it fit closer to her body.

Barbara S looks cool in this summer dress. She used her own basic pattern. The cotton fabic was donated to the freebie box in the Jane's studio by Barbara M.

Sue P made this Decades of Style “Bridge Coat “ from a piece of cloth from the studio freebie pile. She bought some silk shantung and bound all the edges and made bias cut cuffs.

Kathy just finished this fun skirt in scuba cloth. She used a pattern from a ready to wear garment, and utilized both sides of the fabric. Everyone wants one now!

Liddy just made this flowing rayon print top from Marcy Tilton's dress pattern  Vogue V8876.  She had planned to make the dress, but as the project developed the shorter top looked really good. The buttons are hand painted women’s faces are from Linda Sicard “Unbuttons”.

Wai made this vintage Decades of Style blouse in silk noil. The color is SO beautiful on her.

Decades of Style 1952 Wrap Blouse.  The pattern is out of print.

Vicki Z made this Archer shirt from Grainline Studios, She used the fabric bias on the back yoke and front band.

Wai looks stunning in this linen dress. She used McCalls 7890, but Jane had Wai redraft the front panels. They added more width to the right front and took some width off the left front. This accentuated the diagonal. Fabric from  fabric-store.com for $10 a yard. The buttons were from Jane's stash.